
CACM Celebrates 20 Years

We just received CACM’s 20th Anniversary publication. SwedelsonGottlieb and Association Lien Services congratulate the California Association of Community Managers (CACM) on providing 20 years of leadership and education for California’s community managers. CACM’s record of support for managers and the communities they serve is truly extraordinary, and homeowners across the state have CACM to thank for a better quality of life in their associations.

CACM’s publication included a retrospective of the major milestones in its development from its formative years through today. It contains a number of photographs of members, attendees at events and participants, and we were pleased to see a 1999 photograph of Senior Partners David Swedelson and Sandra Gottlieb and a 2009 photo of Sandra Gottlieb receiving CACM’s Lifetime Achievement Vision Award.

We look forward to many more years of working closely with CACM and supporting California’s community association managers.

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