
Articles Posted in Disclosure/Code Compliance


Fair Housing and ADA — Dealing With The Legal Rights of Disabled Condo and HOA Residents

By David Swedelson, SwedelsonGottlieb Senior/Founding Partner Unless you have been sleeping with Rip Van Winkel for 20+ years (and if you have been, then maybe you have a disability), you are likely aware that there are a number of laws that deal with the rights of disabled individuals to be…


The Ins and Outs of Executive Committees

Blog Post by David Swedelson, Founding Partner SwedelsonGottlieb Recent amendments to the Davis-Stirling Act have made it challenging for community association boards of directors to “deal” with important Association business. Don’t know what I’m talking about? As of January 1, 2012, the California Legislature has imposed a prohibition on Boards…


Distribute Budget Packages and Most Annual Financial Disclosures Electronically

By David Swedelson, Senior Partner, SwedelsonGottlieb; Condo Lawyer and HOA Attorney Apparently there are many of you out there that are not aware that as of January 2010, California community associations are permitted by law to distribute budget packages and most annual disclosure documents to owners electronically so long as…


Condo/HOA Owners Opting Out Of Having Their Name/Address Provided To Other Owners

By SwedelsonGottlieb Associate, Community Association Attorneys We are often asked by California community association board members and managers as to the records members have the right to inspect and copy. One record request that can prove problematic is when a member requests a list of an association’s members. Under Civil…


Opting Out

By SwedelsonGottlieb Community Association Attorneys We are often asked by California community association board members and managers as to the records members have the right to inspect and copy. One record request that can prove problematic is when a member requests a list of an association’s members. Under Civil Code Section…


Pasadena’s No Smoking Ordinance Went Into Effect January 1st; Impacts Condos and Homeowners Associations in the City

By Sandra L. Gottlieb, Esq., Senior Partner, SwedelsonGottlieb On July 11, 2011, the City of Pasadena passed a “no-smoking” ordinance for multi-family homes, defined as two or more units, applicable to both those now existing and to be built, effective January 1, 2012. The ordinance provides that it will be…


It’s November. What Are You Doing About Year-End Disclosures?

By David C. Swedelson and Sandra L. Gottlieb, California Condo Lawyers and HOA Attorneys It’s fall, and that means that most community association board members and management are busy finalizing their budgets (this applies to most community associations that have a calendar fiscal year). Unlike the old days, the budget…

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