
Articles Posted in Legislative Developments


Legislation Alert – AB 1726 (Swanson) In Jeopardy

Earlier this year, California Assemblymember Swanson introduced AB 1726, a bill that would benefit California common interest developments. As amended, the bill has been watered down in some respects but improved in other respects, and it remains a valuable piece of legislation. We have recently been alerted by the California…


Are We Really That Opposed to Artificial Turf? Really!

An Editorial by David C. Swedelson, Esq., Senior Partner, SwedelsonGottlieb Many of you received an urgent request by the California Legislative Action Committee (CLAC) for grassroots letters to be sent to the legislature opposing Assembly Bill 1793 (Saldana). I am not sure that I agree with what CLAC stated, and…


Hooray, AB 2502 Is Dead; But What About The Waiver and Partial Payment Issues, and Why Did CLAC Support This Bill?

As we reported in April, Assemblymember Julia Brownley had proposed AB 2502, which would have made assessment collection in California even more difficult than it already is. We have great news. Because of all of the opposition she received (your letters and emails were acknowledged) and because some of those…


Civil Code Section 1363.03 – New Election Law FAQs

As you hopefully know by now, as of July 1, 2006, the way all California community associations conduct elections and membership votes was changed. Among the major changes is the requirement that all elections and certain other membership votes be held by secret ballot pursuant to operating rules. This includes…


Governor Signs into Law Changes to Civil Code Section 1363.03 Dealing with Election Procedure

Please do not shoot the messenger as we are only reporting the news. On September 18, 2006, the Governor signed S.B. 1560 (the “Amendment”), which modifies recently enacted Civil Code Section 1363.03. This “cleanup bill” clarifies some troublesome issues, which will hopefully allow associations to get through the election process…


New Law Requiring Secret Ballots, Election Rules and Regulations Goes Into Effect July 1, 2006—Are You Ready?

On July 1st, 2006, the way community associations have traditionally conducted annual meetings and/or taken votes will be history. This new law, set out in new Civil Code Section 1363.03, will affect how all homeowners associations in California will conduct most of their voting and elections, including the election of…

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