

They did it. The legislature passed one of the two foreclosure bills we warned you about previously. Senator Denise Ducheney’s (Democrat – San Diego) SB1682 did not move forward but Assemblyman Darrell Steinberg’s (Democrat – Sacramento) AB2598 passed the Senate although we are told that there was some confusion during the voting on this bill.

We are advised that an hour later Steinberg’s AB 2598 was passed on a split vote in the Assembly after a “robust debate” which addressed the negative impact this litigation would have on responsible homeowners who do timely pay their assessments. We are advised that 27 out of 80 assembly members voted “no” or abstained from voting on the first round, further indicating that there was (and remains) serious concerns with the bill.

AB2598 has gone to Governor Schwartznegger for his action. Governor Schwartznegger until the end of September decide whether to sign the bill into law or veto it. AB 2598 is bad law and we want it vetoed. The Governor needs to hear from all of us as soon as possible.

Now is the time for all of us to share this information with our colleagues, Board members, and responsible homeowners. Everyone of them needs to write letters to the governor letting him know that this is just bad law. Please forward this newletter on to everyone you know that is a board member, manager or is otherwise involved in the community association industry and get them to write letters as well. The more letters, the more we will be able to convince the Governor to veto AB 2598

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