
HOA Law Blog


Noisy Nuisance or Mass Movement? Public Dancing Disturbs Quiet Enjoyment in China’s Condos

By David Swedelson, Partner at SwedelsonGottlieb, Community Association Attorneys We often get calls from Board members and managers asking us to help them with noise problems. Usually, the complaints involve hard surface flooring, loud stereos or TVs, prolonged or loud dog barking, or a tenant who plays a musical instrument…


Many HOA Owners Could Learn From Robin Williams and the No Asshole Rule

By David Swedelson, Senior Partner, SwedelsonGottlieb, Community Association Attorneys Robin Williams is dead. We lost a great talent, a very funny man. As one commentator wrote, the world is a lot less funny today. I read an interesting article about Robin Williams and the No Asshole Rule. Not surprising, it…


Governor Signs AB 2430 Into Law; Amends Civil Code Sections 4828 and 4530; Changes Seek to Clarify Community Association Transfer Disclosure Obligations

By Mark Petrie, Paralegal/Marketing Coordinator and David Swedelson, Partner, SwedelsonGottlieb, Community Association Attorneys. New legislation amending two of the transfer disclosure sections of the Davis-Stirling Act, Sections 4528 and 4530, will be effective January 1, 2015. Follow this link to review the changes and new language that will be effective…


L.A. Street Repair Agency Riddled With Problems; Owners at Community Associations Would Never Tolerate Such Mismanagement

Report by David Swedelson, Partner, SwedelsonGottlieb, Community Association Attorneys An article in the LA Times last week reported that Los Angeles City auditors revealed that the bureau charged with fixing and maintaining Los Angeles’ streets is plagued with problems that include failing to collect or spend hundreds of millions of…


California Legislature Says it’s OK if the Owner’s Lawn is Brown; Governor Brown Signs AB 2100 Into Law and it Takes Effect Immediately

By David Swedelson, Partner at SwedelsonGottlieb, Community Association Attorneys Earlier this year, I attended a legislative action day in Sacramento. I was surprised by the number of bills being proposed to deal with the drought, with many of them focused on community associations. As the state of emergency with our…


Are Your HOA’s Residents Playing by the Rules? David Swedelson Will Be Speaking On Rule Enforcement on July 30, 2014

Have you seen SwedelsonGottlieb Senior Partner David Swedelson present his Playing by the Rules seminar yet? Be sure to catch his next offering of this popular program with co-presenter Craig Phillips on July 30, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. in Valencia. The program is free to HOA board members and managers…


Want To Preserve The Right To Restrict The Installation of Radio Antennas At Your HOA? Oppose U.S. House of Representatives Bill 4969

The National Chapter of Community Associations Institute (CAI) recently sent out the following urgent message, which we are reproducing here in its entirety. If you want to preserve the right for homeowner associations to be able to restrict the installation of radio towers and antennas, you need to read and…


“Spot” Amendments to Association Governing Documents

By SwedelsonGottlieb, Community Association Attorneys We are often asked about what portions of an association’s CC&Rs and Bylaws need updating to reflect current state statute and best practices. The answer is usually simple – everything! Due to the reorganization of the Davis-Stirling Act effective January 1, 2014, which included many…


Enforcing Your Governing Documents? Have You Considered What Defenses the Offending Owners May Assert?

Blog post by David Swedelson, Partner at SwedelsonGottlieb, Community Association Attorneys Many boards of directors make enforcement decisions without considering all of the variables. We get contacted and told that an owner has violated the association’s CC&Rs. When we start asking questions, we find out that there have been similar…

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