By David C. Swedelson, Esq. and Ryan D. Barrett, Esq., Community Association Attorneys We recently published an article on secondhand smoke regarding its impact at condominium associations and how it can constitute a nuisance. Since almost every community association’s CC&Rs prohibit noxious activity, this is a fairly common and accessible…
HOA Law Blog
Time to Update your CC&R Cover Sheets!
You may be asking what the heck a CC&R Cover Sheet is, as we expect that over time, this requirement has been forgotten. As provided for in amended Government Code Section 12956.1, which has been the law for at least 10 years, California community associations that provide a copy of…
Go Ahead, Foreclose Already!
A firm client has three open delinquent assessment collection matters with our affiliate Association Lien Services. A new board of directors was elected, and despite the significant success that Association Lien Services has had collecting this condo association’s delinquent assessments in the past, the new board of directors was reluctant…
Judge Says Bank Can’t Use Facebook To Reach Defendant — Try Local Paper Instead
Blog post by David Swedelson, Condo Lawyer and HOA Attorney; Partner, SwedelsonGottlieb, Community Association Attorneys In the latest example of courts’ unease with social media, a federal judge has refused a request by a bank to serve legal papers on an a defendant via Facebook. Why is this important? Because…
Termites, Business Judgment Rule and Second Guessing Community Association Boards of Directors—Lamden v. La Jolla Shores Clubdominium Homeowners Association
Blog Article by David Swedelson, SwedelsonGottlieb Senior Partner, Condo Lawyer and Community Association Attorney Resulting in one of the most important common interest development cases decided by the California Supreme Court, Mrs. Gertrude Lamden disagreed with her homeowners association’s board’s decision to address a termite problem by spot treating the…
The Smoker Next Door: Secondhand Smoke + Condominiums = Trouble
By David C. Swedelson, Esq., Condo and HOA Attorney Recent reports indicate that only 12% of California adults smoke cigarettes. The problem is that they all live in condominiums, or so you would think from all the reports of problems we are receiving relating to complaints from the non-smokers who…
FHA May Ease Rules on Condo Mortgages/Loans
Blog post by David Swedelson, Condo lawyer, HOA Attorney and Senior Partner at SwedelsonGottlieb, Community Association Attorneys We receive a lot of inquiries regarding FHA loans. Many condominium association boards have not sought or obtained approval from the FHA as a result of objections to the agency’s strict criteria. Many…
AB 2273 Would Provide New Owner Info To California Community Associations
Blog post by David Swedelson The California Legislative Action Committee reports that the Assembly Housing & Community Development Committee passed AB 2273 on a unanimous bipartisan vote of 7-0. This proposed legislation will require recordation of foreclosure sales within 30 days after sale. CLAC reports that the author of the…
Opting Out
By SwedelsonGottlieb Community Association Attorneys We are often asked by California community association board members and managers as to the records members have the right to inspect and copy. One record request that can prove problematic is when a member requests a list of an association’s members. Under Civil Code Section…
Americans with Disabilities Act Revised Swimming Pool Requirements; Do They Apply to Your Association?
By Sandra Gottlieb, Esq., HOA Attorney and Condo Lawyer As discussed in a previous blog post, our firm has received many inquiries regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) 2010 Revised Requirements as they relate to swimming pools, with a March 15, 2012 effective date. Do the ADA’s revised swimming…