
HOA Law Blog


COVID-19 & Amenities – Q & A Webinar with Expert Panelists

SwedelsonGottlieb is sharing one of a series of webinars featuring founding partner Sandra L. Gottlieb and a panel of attorneys from across North America moderated by Andrew Fortin discussing how community associations are responding to and addressing issues about amenities arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. As we continue to navigate…


Moratorium on Foreclosure Actions? SwedelsonGottlieb Does Not Completely Agree

Earlier this month, CAI released a Statement of Moratorium on Foreclosure Actions urging community associations to immediately suspend all foreclosure activity and not begin new foreclosure actions until June 1. We question how well thought out this position is as it is not all that realistic for California community associations.…


Federal Government Does Not CARES: No PPP and Little Stimulus to Help HOAs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Prepared by the California Community Association Attorneys at SwedelsonGottlieb By now, most people have heard about the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (2020 H.R. 748). The breadth and scope of this Act, and the speed at which it passed both houses of a divided Congress and…


Coronavirus & Community Associations Webinar Featuring A Panel Including Sandra Gottlieb

SwedelsonGottlieb would like to share one of a series of webinars featuring Founding Partner, Sandra L. Gottlieb, and a panel of attorneys from across North America moderated by Andrew Fortin, as they discuss how community associations are responding to and addressing issues arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. As we continue…


Is Force Majeure In Your Association’s Future? By the Community Association Attorneys at SwedelsonGottlieb

The spread of the coronavirus/COVID-19 has caused and will likely continue to cause unexpected interruption in the business of many California community associations. Many of our association clients are in the middle of large common area refurbishment and restoration projects. With increasing restrictions and/or recommendations by public officials and others…


COVID-19 and the Payment of Assessments By David Swedelson, Community Association attorney at SwedelsonGottlieb

Recently, an attorney that also represents California community associations sent out a newsletter that dealt with assessment collection during the pandemic. We already addressed this issue in our COVID-19 HOA Guidebook. We certainly do not agree with a lot of what that other attorney had to say on this issue…


We May Be at Home Waiting Out the COVID-19 Pandemic, But Community Association Boards Still Have Work to Do – By the Community Association Attorneys at SwedelsonGottlieb

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the community association industry both in terms of operations and morale. Community association members, board members, and community managers are presumably staying home to avoid contracting the coronavirus, and are not meeting in person. This seems to have led to a reluctance, by some association boards,…


COVID-19 and Community Association Duties and Responsibilities – A Guidebook for California Community Associations Updated as of March 27, 2020 – By the Community Association Attorneys at SwedelsonGottlieb

SwedelsonGottlieb updated its COVID-19 Community Association Guidebook on March 27, 2020. We put this Guidebook together to address our new reality and how California community associations should be dealing with the pandemic. We are all staying at home unless our jobs are essential and we are socially distancing ourselves from…


Coronavirus and Community Association Duties and Responsibilities; A Guidebook from the Community Association Attorneys at SwedelsonGottlieb

It is not a hoax; it is a pandemic. And as a result, we are receiving inquiries from board members and managers concerning what community associations should be doing to address the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the impact of same on their communities. To address these questions, SwedelsonGottlieb published a…


Proposed Senate Bill (SB) 323 (Wieckowski) Eliminates Qualifications For Serving On The Board and Changes The Law On California Community Association Elections; It Is Not the Right Solution

Prepared by the Community Association Attorneys at SwedelsonGottlieb Senate Bill 323, proposed new law that would impact how California community association conduct elections, was approved by the Senate and Assembly was presented to Governor Newsom for his signature. This proposed legislation will impact and change the procedural requirements for most…

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