(a) At the time of commencement of an enforcement action, the party commencing the action shall file with the initial pleading a certificate stating that one or more of the following conditions is satisfied: (1) Alternative dispute resolution has been completed in compliance with this article. (2) One of the…
HOA Law Blog
Civil Code § 1369.550 – Tolling of Time Limitation For Commencing An Enforcement Action.
If a Request for Resolution is served before the end of the applicable time limitation for commencing an enforcement action, the time limitation is tolled during the following periods: (a) The period provided in Section 1369.530 for response to a Request for Resolution. (b) If the Request for Resolution is…
Civil Code § 1369.540 – Completion Of Resolution Process Within 90 Days.
(a) If the party on whom a Request for Resolution is served accepts the request, the parties shall complete the alternative dispute resolution within 90 days after the party initiating the request receives the acceptance, unless this period is extended by written stipulation signed by both parties. (b) Chapter 2…
Civil Code § 1369.520 – ADR Required Prior To Filing An Enforcement Action.
(a) An association or an owner or a member of a common interest development may not file an enforcement action in the superior court unless the parties have endeavored to submit their dispute to alternative dispute resolution pursuant to this article. (b) This section applies only to an enforcement action…
Civil Code § 1369.510 – “Alternative Dispute Resolution” And “Enforcement Action” Defined.
As used in this article: (a) “Alternative dispute resolution” means mediation, arbitration, conciliation, or other nonjudicial procedure that involves a neutral party in the decision making process. The form of alternative dispute resolution chosen pursuant to this article may be binding or nonbinding, with the voluntary consent of the parties.…
Civil Code § 1369 – Liens For Labor And Material.
In a condominium project, no labor performed or services or materials furnished with the consent of, or at the request of, an owner in the condominium project or his or her agent or his or her contractor shall be the basis for the filing of a lien against any other…
Civil Code § 1368.5 – Civil Action By Association; Notice Prior to Filing.
(a) Not later than 30 days prior to the filing of any civil action by the association against the declarant or other developer of a common interest development for alleged damage to the common areas, alleged damage to the separate interests that the association is obligated to maintain or repair,…
Civil Code § 1368.4 – Damages Allocated By Comparative Fault.
(a) In an action maintained by an association pursuant to subdivision (b), (c), or (d) of Section 1368.3, the amount of damages recovered by the association shall be reduced by the amount of damages allocated to the association or its managing agents in direct proportion to their percentage of fault…
Civil Code § 1368.3 – Association Standing As Real Party In Interest.
An association established to manage a common interest development has standing to institute, defend, settle, or intervene in litigation, arbitration, mediation, or administrative proceedings in its own name as the real party in interest and without joining with it the individual owners of the common interest development, in matters pertaining…
Civil Code § 1368.1 – Arbitrary Or Unreasonable Restriction On Owner’s Ability To Market Unit Void.
(a) Any rule or regulation of an association that arbitrarily or unreasonably restricts an owner’s ability to market his or her interest in a common interest development is void. (b) No association may adopt, enforce, or otherwise impose any rule or regulation that does either of the following: (1) Imposes…