By Sandra Gottlieb, Senior Partner SwedelsonGottlieb; Condo Lawyer and HOA Attorney
We know that there is a tendency to classify some condo and HOA staff as independent contractors rather then employees. Some community association boards want to do this because they think that such a classification will mean that their association will not have to pay for all of fees, charges, taxes, etc. that are normally associated with an employee. They also think that they can avoid vacation pay, payroll taxes, medical insurance, etc.
The staff member may want the independent contractor classification as then they believe that they will not have taxes deducted from their checks, that they can then write off their car and other expenses and benefit in other ways.
Well, the government knows what you are doing and they are not happy about it. There has been an increasing effort by the State and Federal governments to address this “problem”. The fact is that in many situations, that staff member is not really an independent contractor, as they work full time at the association, use the equipment, etc. provided by the association and get their direction from the association.
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