Blog posting by David Swedelson, California HOA and Condo Lawyer and Legal Expert
Interesting article and perspective regarding the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA’s) new guidelines for condominium loan offers from fellow community association attorney Stephan Marcus (Massachusetts).
Steve notes that “the FHA published the first iteration of this guidance in June 2009, with little, if any, input from the community association industry. The FHA’s new Guidelines, unveiled in late June 2011, indicate that FHA officials listened to the concerns expressed by the Community Associations Institute (CAI) and others, and responded to at least some of them. Apparently CAI is challenging the latest guidelines arguing that FHA violated both the Administrative Procedures Act and its own rule-making procedures by failing to consult affected industries and interest groups.”
The new FHA Guidelines are available at this link.
Steve states that although improved in some areas, the revised guidelines are still problematic and believes that in some cases, they are even more problematic than before.
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